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Find out how to tackle food waste in your business to save money and reduce your impact on the environment.
This page lists food banks in the city that are in need of support - whether donations of food, money or time.
Get practical tips on eating well as you age, how to spot malnutrition and key signs to look out for.
Our where to buy plastic-free guide gives tips on plastic-free shopping and lists local stores going the extra mile to minimise unnecessary plastic.
Try our recipes for healthy, tasty meals when money is tight and cooking facilities are limited.
We support a range of local projects that need volunteer help to reduce food waste across the city.
Posted September 19, 2024
Here are five ideas to reduce the cost of your shopping, while making meals that nourish and satisfy.
Posted November 9, 2022
Take our quiz to find out your style of pulses, and get some recipes tailored for you.
Posted July 8, 2022
Stella upped her skills and confidence, opening new career possibilities when she took part in the Food Foundations project.
Posted April 21, 2022
Alma has found a welcoming space of ‘good vibes and good energy’ as the result of her successful search for a post-lockdown gift-to-self.
Posted January 24, 2022
The Cooking on a Budget course improved Amy's physical and mental health – and gave her the crucial skills which helped her weather the pandemic.
Posted December 21, 2021
Read how to save more food this Christmas with activities and delicious recipes.
Posted October 26, 2021
Looking for a scare this Halloween? Here goes: A terrifying 14.5 million pumpkins are expected to be left uneaten this Halloween, in the UK alone!
Posted October 7, 2021
Hear from graduates of our Jumpstart course helping people find a career in the catering industry.
Posted June 17, 2021
We spoke to some of the families who received our weekly recipe kits about the difference they made during a tough year.