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Get practical tips on eating well as you age, how to spot malnutrition and key signs to look out for.
Seedy Sunday in Brighton and Hove is the UK’s biggest and longest-running community seed swap event.
Our tips for buying sustainable fish - buy local & seasonal, know your labels and improve your skills. Find out more.
Help for people facing food poverty or worried about having enough money to buy food, including food banks and financial advice.
Simple tips to get composting at home, including indoor solutions.
We support a range of local projects that need volunteer help to reduce food waste across the city.
Posted September 23, 2020
New developments in Brighton and Hove could include food growing spaces for residents. A new Planning Advice Note aimed at developers, designers, architects and planning...
Posted February 5, 2020
Give your feedback on the city's new draft Planning Advice Note on food growing and development.
Posted January 31, 2020
A visit from Letchworth Garden City demonstrated the thriving and collaborative community food scene here in Brighton & Hove.
Posted October 2, 2019
Help shape the food system of the future by sending your ideas to the Government's call for evidence for a National Food Strategy.
Posted August 5, 2019
Brighton & Hove’s signing of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact marks another step towards the city becoming the UK’s first gold Sustainable Food City.
Posted July 18, 2019
Brighton and Hove food businesses shared ideas at the Turning Trash into Treasure event to rethink food waste in the city.
Posted April 4, 2019
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership event informs and inspires businesses on their journey to a plastic-free future.
Posted March 6, 2019
Learn about our inspiring visit to ‘Wessex Academic Health Science Network’ where we heard about their new tool to help people understand and spot malnutrition.
Posted November 27, 2018
We marked the launch of the city’s bid to become the UK's first Gold Sustainable Food City, and the unveiling of the city’s new five-year Food...