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Get practical tips on eating well as you age, how to spot malnutrition and key signs to look out for.
Get outside and do something fun, inspiring and interactive outside of your regular working environment.
If your business or event has good quality food surplus to donate, we would love to hear from you.
Our where to buy plastic-free guide gives tips on plastic-free shopping and lists local stores going the extra mile to minimise unnecessary plastic.
Get involved in food growing by volunteering with one of over 70 community gardens and orchards across the city.
Find out about volunteering in places where people cook and eat together.
Posted June 16, 2021
Read about seven new local affordable food initiatives bringing good quality food to local residents.
Posted December 3, 2020
We reveal the findings of our shopping habits survey and the benefits residents get from a local shopping experience.
Posted October 13, 2020
Families and people who are disabled or with long-term health conditions are more likely to be in food poverty, according to our new research.
Posted October 15, 2019
This report shows a record number of food banks distributing over 20,000 food parcels a year, with a worrying increase in demand from families.
Posted June 26, 2019
The Surplus Food Network has had a pretty astonishing impact on collecting surplus and getting it to people in need.
Posted May 29, 2019
Volunteer and researcher Tilly Paz shares her insight into food poverty and food insecurity in Brighton & Hove after working on the latest Joint Strategic...
Posted April 23, 2019
Volunteering for members of the Surplus Food Network has many benefits, find out more and learn how to get involved.
Posted August 30, 2018
Our latest report shows food bank use in Brighton & Hove has increased steadily for the 5th year in a row.
Posted June 28, 2018
Brighton and Hove has been given a massive thumbs-up as a report assessing the progress of its Food Poverty Action Plan showed an impressive 93%...