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Try our recipes for healthy, tasty meals when money is tight and cooking facilities are limited.
If your business or event has good quality food surplus to donate, we would love to hear from you.
See our top tips for shopping for vegetables and fruit.
Find out about volunteering in places where people cook and eat together.
Get outside and do something fun, inspiring and interactive outside of your regular working environment.
Our tips for buying meat, eggs and dairy - know your labels. Find out more.
Posted July 13, 2022
Community researchers from Albion Hill and Bevendean have produced incredible storytelling films about their local gardens.
Posted April 21, 2022
We met with Caroline White, who works for Sacred Earth, a 40-acre site in East-Sussex, to find out about their project.
Alma has found a welcoming space of ‘good vibes and good energy’ as the result of her successful search for a post-lockdown gift-to-self.
Posted October 7, 2021
Hear from graduates of our Jumpstart course helping people find a career in the catering industry.
Posted November 5, 2020
Rosie Linford shares her recent experience of the Changing Chalk project, bringing ecotherapy style events to the South Downs.
Posted February 13, 2020
A monthly breakfast club, which for many is the only chance they get to regularly socialise with other veterans.
Posted November 27, 2019
Food Partnership volunteer, Jason Deans, visited our dementia friendly gardening group to hear about the impact of the group from participants and volunteers.
Posted April 23, 2019
Volunteering for members of the Surplus Food Network has many benefits, find out more and learn how to get involved.
Posted March 28, 2018
Volunteer Gill Barker is our Food Hero for her work helping vulnerable people gain new skills, new confidence and an improved sense of wellbeing.