We are proud to support these national campaigns and initiatives.
If you care about these issues too, you can sign-up to many of the campaigns below directly. Or find out about their latest actions via our email newsletter.
Campaign for Better Hospital Food
The campaign represents a coalition of organisations calling on the Westminster government to introduce mandatory nutritional, environmental and ethical standards for food served to patients in NHS hospitals in England.
Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain’s high-profile campaign. They also want to see clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone.
Eating Better: for a fair, green, healthy future is a broad alliance working together to help people move towards eating less meat and dairy foods and more food that’s better for us and the planet, as part of the vital task of creating sustainable food and farming systems.
The vision is to live in a country where everyone has access to good food and no one goes to bed hungry. One key aim is to ensure that children have access to proper nutrition 365 days a year – not just on the 190 days a year when free school meals are available. Three million children are at risk of food insecurity this summer.
A project by Garden Organic and Sustain to see how community food growing can be routinely used by the health and social care services as a way of promoting health and wellbeing.
We understand the value of volunteering. Volunteering means people independently choosing to give their time freely to help others and make the world a better place.
Set independently and updated annually the real Living Wage is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK and is the amount that allows a person to live, rather than just survive. Launched in 2012, the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign aims to encourage local businesses to voluntarily pay all employees a decent hourly rate.
Love Food Hate Waste aims to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and help us take action. It shows that by doing some easy practical everyday things in the home we can all waste less food, which will ultimately benefit our purses and the environment too. Love Food Hate Waste is brought to you by WRAP.
This is a new initiative focused specifically on veg. Our consumption levels are declining. Peas Please aims to bring together farmers, retailers, fast food and restaurant chains, caterers, processors and government departments with a common goal of making it easier for everyone to eat veg.
Sugar Smart is a campaign run by Jamie Oliver and Sustain calling on local authorities, organisations, workplaces and individuals to reduce the amount of sugar being consumed. Anyone can pledge to become Sugar Smart, from councils and schools to restaurants, hospitals and independent companies. Find out more about the local Sugar Smart campaign.
Sustainable Fish City (past campaign)
Sustain’s Sustainable Fish campaign aims to protect precious marine environments and fishing livelihoods, and calls for fish to be bought from sustainable sources. Cities, towns and counties across the UK are joining the campaign to become places where sustainable fish is served and promoted.
The Sustainable Food Cities approach involves developing a cross-sector partnership of local public agencies, businesses, academics and NGOs committed to working together to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership is a key member of the Sustainable Food Cities Network.
Sainsbury’s Waste Less Save More campaign aims to change the way we think about the food we buy, cook, eat – and throw away. Discover practical hints and tips on how to save money on your food bills, and be inspired by recipes, videos and articles on the world of waste.