Brightstore – Hollingdean

BrightStore is a friendly sociable community based scheme which provides a weekly affordable shop of fresh fruit, vegetables, bread and other key essentials.

The two-tier membership  price is based on household size and a ‘pay what you can afford’ principle.

If you are interested in joining as a member, please attend your nearest store, all the details are on the website

To shop, please come along to your most local BrightStore and have a chat!

Please remember you can only shop at one store. To get the best value we suggest you visit your most local store.

£5/ Small (to feed one / two people) £7 / Large (to feed more than two people)


  • Tuesdays

Tuesdays 1-4pm

Who is it for?:

Everyone is welcome, please come along to your most local BrightStore and have a chat!


Tel: 0730 6655432

Email: [email protected]



Hollingdean Community Centre
Brighton BN1 7BH

Brightstore – Hollingdean

Hollingdean Community Centre, Brighton BN1 7BH, UK

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