
We are a not-for-profit organisation and our work would not be possible without fundraising and donations.

Since 2003, we have helped over 15,000 people learn to cook, grow their own food, eat a healthier diet and waste less. Eating is central to life’s celebrations and memories, and our approach is to use this power of food to bring about change. Much of our work benefits vulnerable adults and people experiencing deprivation, isolation, poor health and other life challenges. Our activities makes lasting changes to habits and behaviours which improve lives.

Make a one-off or regular donation to our work

We accept donations through our partner charity, ‘The Community Kitchen (Brighton/ Sussex)’. Donations via the charity are eligible for Gift Aid, if you are an individual making the donation. For companies donating or anyone collecting funds on our behalf, please contact us for bank transfer details.

If you want to support our work, your donation could help us:

  • help a person with learning disabilities learn to cook their own meals
  • run a therapeutic gardening session for people with living with dementia
  • distribute slow cookers to families on low incomes to help them cook healthy meals on a budget
  • ensure people who cannot afford food get the help they need


We also welcome donations by cheque or BACS. Please contact us for more information.

Thank you for supporting our work in any way you can – browse our website for more information on donating time, surplus food and more.

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