Racehill Community Orchard

Racehill Community Orchard is a three acre site in East Brighton overlooking Whitehawk and the sea.

Over the past number of years over 200 fruit trees and thousands of native hedgerow species have been planted so that in future years locals can enjoy the free fruit harvest. Activities take place all year round and include: Scything, scrub clearance, mulching, litter clearance, pruning and general caring for the trees.
The site is in East Brighton in Whitehawk and is accessible from both Swanborough Drive and Wilson Avenue via a little path which runs next to Racehill Allotments.  Parking is more convenient on the Wilson Avenue entrance. Map available here.



  • Tuesdays
  • Sundays

Volunteer sessions run most Tuesdays and Sundays.

Who is it for?:

They hold volunteer activity sessions where anyone is welcome to go and get stuck in, or simply enjoy the space. Schools and volunteer groups are also welcome. 


For more information about workdays, school and volunteer groups, planning meetings and other ways to get involved, contact Brighton Permaculture Trust. Please sign up to the volunteer mailing list and click register when you get an email for a session you can attend.


Accessible from both Swanborough Drive and Wilson Avenue via a little path which runs next to Racehill Allotments. 

Racehill Community Orchard

Accessible from both Swanborough Drive and Wilson Avenue via a little path which runs next to Racehill Allotments. 

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