Spending Time at Stanmer

Stanmer Wellbeing Gardens is our magical corner of Stanmer Park where you can slow down, tune in, and nurture your wellbeing outdoors. But what does nurturing your wellbeing look like in an outdoor setting? The dictionary definition of wellbeing describes it as the state of being ‘comfortable, healthy, or happy’, which is what we’ve taken as our inspiration for our  activities guide.

Drawing upon our many years’ experience of facilitating outdoor activities, we’ve pooled together a suggested list of activities that can take place outdoors in the Wellbeing Gardens, whatever the season, that contribute towards feeling comfortable, healthy, and happy outdoors.  Below is our concise list of suggestions, but you can also read the full activity list, find out more about booking the gardens, or learn how to get involved in volunteering at the gardens

Games. Just 5 minutes walk from the Wellbeing Gardens is an open field (opposite the Tea Rooms), that is perfectly suited to rounders, frisbee, football, and more. Finish off with a picnic!  

Birthday Parties. Children love celebrating their birthdays in the woods, with ample opportunity for play and imagination. Scavenger hunts, den-building, nature-crown making and much much more can keep kids entertained for hours. Read the activity guide for more information.  

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness sessions. Just bring along your mat/cushion and enjoy slowing down accompanied by the chirping of birds and rustling of wildlife.  

Nature walks. The area around the gardens is teeming with wildlife and biodiversity, and the Wellbeing Gardens offer the ideal site to relax and reflect after a nature walk. Bring some identification books with you to practice your plant life identification.  

Singing groups and choirs. Both are welcome within the woods, but we ask that people don’t bring amplified music with them. 

Gathering. From gathering leaves and wildflowers to press, to creating nature mobiles, there’s plenty to find in and around Stanmer – but make sure to only collect plants that are plentiful and to leave more than you take. 

Fire. Building a fire is a very fulfilling activity, but cooking flatbreads or potatoes over the fire even more so! Potatoes, flatbreads, marshmallows – there are many delicacies you can cook up. We’ve got fire pits at most of our sites, meaning you can hold a fire safely. 

Wood Carving. Spoon whittling and wood carving lends itself to outdoor locations, and many people have used the wellbeing gardens for exactly that purpose. 

Story Telling. Storytelling by a fire is one of humanity’s oldest traditions, and one that can easily be kept alive by a fire in the woods. You can use storytelling prompts if you want to involve everyone, or use it as an opportunity to practice sharing your creative endeavours. 

Bushcraft Skills. Want to learn how to build outdoor shelters, hone your knot tying skills, and feel more confident outdoors. With an abundance of wildlife and woodland, Stanmer offers the perfect space for learning these skills, and the Wellbeing Gardens the perfect place to come back to. 

Rituals + gatherings. Memorials, solstice gatherings, full moon rituals and more have all been held by the fire at the Wellbeing Gardens.

For some more in-depth explanations of these activities, as well as outdoor craft ideas, read the full activity guide (pdf)

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