Food Use Campaign

Food waste feeds climate change

Did you know that a third of all food produced is never eaten and throwing away food is one of the biggest contributors to climate change?

Global food waste generates 22 million tonnes of greenhouse gases – that’s four times more than all aeroplanes put together!

Most of the food that’s wasted is wasted in our homes. Each year, UK households throw away 4.5 million tonnes of edible food, costing a family of four £60 per month on average.

In Brighton & Hove we have an ambitious plan to be a ‘food-use city’ taking steps to preventing food waste at home, in schools, universities, restaurants and community settings.



Tips and resources for reducing food waste

Confused over food date labels? Struggling with portion sizes? We’ve put together some handy tips and advice to help you to reduce food waste in the home. 

If you’re a food business, find out how you can measure and reduce your food waste.

A community fridge is a tried and tested way of stopping good food ending up in the bin. It is housed in a public, accessible place making surplus food freely available to anyone who wants it.

You can also download our handy booklet of tips to prevent food waste.

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