Low-cost and community meal projects

If you are in need of emergency food then please go here or find details for local, low-cost community shops.

If you need help translating this page., contact Sussex Interpreting Services.

Free or low cost meals

Real Junk Food Project – Bevendean Food Hub   Collection

(hours vary – contact the project for details). 13 Leybourne Road, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN2 4LT, UK. Anyone can buy surplus food on a pay-as-you-feel basis. https://www.facebook.com/realjunkfoodbrighton/

Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project   Collection and seated lunch

Tea bar every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm with a break at 1pm for lunch. Lunch every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1pm for an hour. 50 seated. Free or suggested donation £1.. 6 Tilbury Place, Brighton, BN2 0GY. Food parcels and basic supplies for families with young children as well as those in extreme crisis whilst waiting for referrals to food banks. Try to call ahead to avoid disappointment. Telephone: 01273 671213 / 01273 601211 Email: [email protected] Website

The Bevy

Friday 12-2pm. The Bevy, Hillside, Brighton, UK. Seniors lunch club. Every Friday midday till 2pm – £5 lunch & pudding & bingo and endless cups of tea! Tel: 01273 281009 Email: [email protected] Website

Brighton Light Trust   Collection – takeaway only

Mondays 12-1pm. Free lunch takeaway service with sandwiches, soup and hot drinks. Targeted guests are homeless, former homeless, lonely or vulnerable but all are welcome. . Holland Road Baptist Church, Holland Road, Hove BN3 1JN, UK. Targeted guests are the homeless community but anyone is welcome. Tel:  01273 732111 (answer machine available – aim to return your call as soon as possible). email: [email protected] Website  


During school holidays . One Church Brighton, Gloucester Place, Brighton, UK. Families who are eligible for free school meals needing meals during the school holidays Keep an eye on their social media for updates or email [email protected]. Text: 07955 597880 Website

The Crew Club – Crew Food   Breakfast and lunch served at the Community Centre

Breakfast & Lunch clubs during term-time on Tuesdays & Thursday 8:15-1:30pm. Regular Community Centre opening times: Mon-thur 9-2pm. 26 Coolham Drive, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, Brighton and Hove BN2 5QW, UK. We are looking to increase our Food offer by having two food sittings on the current offer days. Our Share shop doors are open during the food sessions for members to access without needing a member of staff to take them in. We do allow access to the shop during general opening times of the crew club however it requires asking a member of staff to let you in.Contact Name: Jade Sargeant Phone Number: 07982910255 E-mail Address: [email protected] Website: www.crewclub.co.uk

East Brighton Food Co-op   Delivery and collection

Meal deliveries on Tues & Thurs. EBFC allotment days 11am-3pm Weds & Fri by appointment. 24 Baker Street, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4JN, UK. Freshly-cooked, nutritious meal delivery citywide & food and community for the Whitehawk area. Tel: 07539635017 Email: [email protected] Facebook Website

Real Junk Food Project – Fitzherbert Hub

The cafe is open every weekday EXCEPT MONDAY. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday it opens at 10am to serve drinks and cake followed by lunches which are served from noon till 2pm. On Mondays from 15th April, the cafe will be closed to allow the team of young autistic volunteers at mASCot Mondays can have training and work experience support.. 2 Bristol Road, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1AP, UK. Pay-as-you-feel cafe using delicious rescued surplus food. Email: [email protected] Phone: 01273 087 839 Website

Food and Friendship   Eat in

Tuesdays 12pm-2pm Thursdays 12:30pm-2:30pm. Hove Methodist Church, Portland Road, Hove, United Kingdom. For older people around Hove, Portslade and Hangleton, and those with learning disabilities. £3-5pp Tel: 07813 667857 Email: [email protected] Website Facebook  

Real Junk Food Project – Hollingdean   Collection/ Eat in

Thursdays 12.30-1.45pm . Hollingdean Community Centre, Brighton BN1 7BH, UK. Pay-as-you-feel meals Email: [email protected] Website

The Hop 50+

. Hove BN3 2FL, United Kingdom. Older People Contact: Claire Corbin Telephone: 01273 729603 Email: [email protected]

Lunch Positive

Friday 12pm – 3pm 2nd Wednesday of the month 5pm Cost: £0 – £5. Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Dorset Gardens, Brighton BN2 1RL, United Kingdom. People living with HIV Wheelchair accessible, accessible toiletsTelephone: 07846 464384 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lunchpositive.org

Real Junk Food Project – @St. Luke’s   Collection/ Eat in

Tuesdays & Wednesdays 12.30-2pm . St Luke’s Prestonville, Old Shoreham Road, Brighton, UK. Pay-as-you-feel meals [email protected] Website   

St Peter’s Church   Collection

Wednesdays from 1pm-2.30pm for men only. Thursdays from 1.30-3pm for women only. Saturdays 5-6.30pm. St Peter’s Church, York Place, Brighton BN1 4GU, UK. Free hot food for homeless and vulnerable men and women Tel: 01273 698 182 Website

Sussex Surplus   Collection. Limited delivery for East Brighton residents.

Community meals Thursdays 12.00-2.00pm. Community fridge Tuesday 11.30pm – 3.30pm & Thurs 12pm – 2pm.. Bristol Estate Community Room, Donald Hall Road, Brighton, UK. Fresh and ambient food for collection from community fridge or weekly shared community meals. Drop in welcome. Tel: 07717152807 or 07447599087 Contact [email protected], or Sussex Surplus Facebook page Website

Sussex Homeless Support   Collection – takeaway only

The street kitchen starts at Old Steine 1pm every Saturday. Snack service alongside St John’s Ambulance at the Peace Statue 6:30pm every Thursday. Their other support is available all week. 35b Providence Place, Brighton BN1 4GE, UK. For people suffering housing crisis Sussex Homeless Support Facebook group For information about wider homelessness services, contact St Mungo’s who are coordinating services for this community (Tel: 0300 500 0914).

Welcome Break

Wednesdays 12pm-2pm. Central URC Church, Blatchington Road, Hove, UK. Hot soup and a bread roll every Wednesday for a suggested donation of £1. Wheelchair accessible.Telephone: 01273 734162 Email: [email protected] Website: www.centralurchove.com

Tower House Community Centre & Café

Monday & Thursday: Open 10:30-3. Morning Session £5 / Two course hot cooked lunch £7 / Afternoon Session £5. Wednesday (Gent’s Club): Open 12.15-3.00. Two course hot cooked lunch £7 / Afternoon Session £5. . Tower House, Towergate, Preston, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK. For older people who are independently mobile. Minibus Transport available within catchment area for £5. Tail lift option for those unable to use steps. Passenger assistant on-board.Tel: 01273 549604 Email: [email protected] Website

The Vale Community Centre

Monday and Wednesday, morning, lunchtime and afternoon. Contact for further details Cost: £0 – £5. 17a Hadlow Close, Brighton BN2 0FH, United Kingdom. Wheelchair accessible, accessible toiletContact: Nick Wood Telephone: 01273 571573 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cravenvale.org.uk/the-vale-community-centre.html

Meals to buy (including Meals on Wheels service)

The Food Access Support service at Impact Initiatives have a directory with meal delivery services in the city.

For information on restaurants and cafes please the listings on the Restaurants Brighton website. Or have a look at the most popular delivery services: DeliverooDinner2GoJustEat and UberEats.

More info: Guide on eating well as you age and avoiding undernutrition.

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