Our top tips for reducing unnecessary plastic
1) Buy fresh produce from a local greengrocer or market, or join a local veg box scheme
2) Use refill stations for loose dry food, cleaning products and toiletries
3) Bring Your Own – water bottle, carrier bag, coffee cup, lunchbox, straw, cutlery
4) Ask your preferred shop/café/canteen/takeaway/bar to stop serving up plastic
5) Recycle plastics that can’t go in your fortnightly collection at The Green Centre.
Shops with refill stations & other plastic-free goods
Grocer and Grain is a grocery store near Brighton Station selling locally grown and produced food, homemade cakes and store cupboard essentials.
Where: 1 Surrey Street, Brighton BN1 3PA
When: Mon-Fri 7am-8pm, Sat 8am-7pm, Sun 9.30am-6.30pm
Harriets of Hove is a plant-based and plastic-free food, toiletries and kitchen products refills store. They also sell keg kombuchas, a wide range of herbs and spices and fridge items. They love to support small and local suppliers, whilst stocking pantry essentials – price comparable to the supermarkets.
Where: 31 George Street, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3YB
When: Mon – Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 9am-5pm; Sun 11am-4pm
Health Rebels – This organic grocer and store sells unpackaged organic fruit and veg, as well as a range of refills and locally produced products.
Where: 85 Western Road, Hove, BN2 1EP
When: Mon – Fri 8am-8pm; Sat 9am-7pm; Sun 10am-5pm
Hollingdean Wholefoods – Entirely volunteer run, plantbased community shop, selling organic fruit and veg, extensive refill section, fresh bread and a large range of grocery items.
Where: 19a Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton BN1 7HB
When: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat – 10am to 5pm. Friday – 10am to 6pm. Weds and Sunday – CLOSED.
Infinity Foods – Brighton-based wholefoods shop and wholesaler, selling a huge array of vegetarian, mainly organic foods and environmentally-friendly toiletries and household products (including refills).
Where: 25 North Road, Brighton BN1 1YA
Opening times: Mon-Sat 9.30am-6pm; Sun 11am-5pm
Kindly of Brighton – An eco-friendly supermarket in Seven Dials selling unpackaged organic fruit and veg and an extensive range of refill bar products.
Where: 110-114 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 3TE
Opening times: Daily 9am-9pm
Majahma Plant-based, planet-friendly, zero-waste, plastic-free, closed-loop Indian-tiffin delivery service.
Delivers once a week on Thursday, 3 dishes, 2 chapatti and rice. (Also caters for Vegetarians) All deliveries are in a stainless steel tiffin tin, so nothing ends up in land-fill.
Roots and Hoots – This is a delivery business specialising in plastic-free shopping with a zero-waste philosophy. They pick and pack everything in durable and reusable plastic-free containers and deliver it right to your door in an emission-free electric van. Once you’ve decanted or used up your products, schedule a convenient time and they’ll swing by to say hello and pick up your containers. They offer a range of food, household and health and beauty items from their online shop. (Email: [email protected], Tel: 01273 950059)
Store Brighton sell dried food, household essentials, toiletries and bodycare without any plastic packaging.
Where: 253E Ditchling Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6JD
When: Mon – Fri 9am – 5.30pm; Sat 10am – 5.30pm; Sun 10am – 2pm
The Source Bulk Foods – This zero-waste chain has opened a store in Brighton with an extensive range of refillable goods including cereals, pulses, flours, oils, vinegar, tea and coffee.
Where:142 Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2LA
When: Mon – Fri 9am – 8pm; Sat 9am – 7pm; Sun 10am – 6pm
Look at our other listings for local and organic stockists, veg box schemes, local butchers and sustainable fish as many of the places listed offer reduced plastic packaging, refill stations and/or loose fresh produce.
Schemes and campaigns to help you reduce plastic
Refill Fill up your reusable water bottle for free on the go using the Refill app, or look out for the Refill stickers in windows of over 170 participating businesses in this area.
Plastic Free Pledge – find out which local organisations have pledged to reduce their single-use plastic.
BYO Coffee Cup – Single use coffee cups are one of the “Big 4” plastic polluters – along with bottles, bags and straws. Find coffee shops in Brighton & Hove working to reduce & eliminate coffee cup plastic waste & litter on this interactive map.
Long Live the Lunchbox – a small scheme set up by Global Action Plan that encourages businesses to display a pink ‘we accept your container here’ sticker.
Surfers Against Sewage Brighton, Hove & Shoreham – lots of information about local beach cleans and other plastic-related news.
Email us at [email protected]