Are you passionate about transforming your local food system, and would like to be involved in our mission of providing healthy, fair, and sustainable food for all in Brighton & Hove? Becoming a member of the Food Partnership entitles you to vote in our Annual General Meeting (AGM), where we present our yearly work and accounts, as well as standing for election to our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meet quarterly to discuss finance, funding, campaigns, services, events, partnership working, membership and strategy, providing input and guidance into the work we do.
To apply to become a member, please fill out this form. To become a member, you need to be living and working in Brighton & Hove, and over the age of 16. Once accepted, you will be added to a mailing list to receive information about the dates for the next AGM, and any other special meetings, and any voting on written resolutions. Membership lasts for three years.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM takes place yearly in September. They are an opportunity for us to present our annual work and our annual accounts, as well as to decide on any resolutions that need to be passed. Our AGMs generally feature a relevant guest speaker, and at the end there is food provided and the opportunity to meet the team.
The minutes, and presentation, from our previous AGMs are available below.